
Describe networks and how they communicate (part 1: the suffering begins)

What are networks

Networks allow communication between computers, and have revolutionised communication by enabling technologies like texting, emailing, video calls, etc.

Uses of networks

Sharing network devices - sharing a printer across a network, for instance.

Accessing networks

An NIC (network interface card) and software that uses it is required to access a network. NICs are embedded in practically all devices nowadays.

Image of an NIC.

Computers on a network agree on a set of protocols, which define rules that govern communication, similar to human languages.

Networks can either be accessed wired or wirelessly.

Wireless networks typically require a key to be accessed (i.e. a Wi-Fi key). In a workplace/institution, each user may have a username and password, and each user would be able to access a specific set of shared resources.

Network setup

When setting up a network, one needs to consider:

Paying a specialist to set it up may be required for larger networks.
